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Foot Care

We can help with a wide range of foot conditions, leaving you feeling more confident and pain-free. An initial visit with the foot health practitioner includes a full medical history, foot health check, advice and treatment. We also treat children's foot problems. Get in touch to book an appointment.



Corns are a painful and common foot problem that is caused by pressure and friction. The skin builds a protective hard layer wherever pressure is exerted on the feet and the centre becomes a moulded nucleus pressing into the nerves of the dermis causing pain. Corns can be treated to relieve pain in one treatment.


Hard and rough-feeling areas of skin that can develop on feet anywhere there are excess intermittent mechanical stresses. 

Cracked Heels

Fissures (cracks) can be moist or dry cracks at the site where the skin is under pressure from callus and may extend to and involve the dermis with potential for infection. Fissures can be extremely painful!

Fungal & Thickened Nails

Fungal infection causes the toenails to thicken, discolour, disfigure and split. At first, it is a cosmetic concern but without treatment, nails can become so thick they can cause pressure, irritation and pain when wearing shoes. Although symptoms can be addressed quickly to ease the pain, the infection can take many months of treatment to clear.



Athletes Foot

Skin affected with Athletes Foot may be red, scaly, flaky and dry. In some cases, the bottom of the feet may be inflamed and have small blisters. The blisters can cause the skin to become cracked, which can be sore and painful. The infection can spread to the sole and side of your foot, producing redness and scaling in these areas. If you have severe athlete's foot that causes your skin to become cracked, it may lead to the raw tissue underneath being exposed. As well as being very painful, it increases your risk of developing a bacterial infection.

Ingrown Toenails

A spike of the nail pierces the epidermis and penetrates the dermal tissue. The skin becomes red, shiny and tense and the toe appears swollen. There is a throbbing pain and acute tenderness to the slightest pressure.

Nail Clipping

Disability or lack of mobility may mean that clipping your nails becomes a chore or even an impossible task. Rather than take the risk of asking a family member or friend who may not clip them correctly, we can undertake this and ensure your feet are in tip-top condition on a regular basis.

Improving nail appearance may seem trivial, but to some individuals, it can be a massive confidence boost. Pedisafe has several benefits for nail reconstruction; some are cosmetic, others are to promote healthy nail growth. Reconstructed nails can be left natural, or a gel polish can be applied to all nails afterwards. Pedisafe can be applied for a one-off special occasion or for regular, long term wear. It can also be used alongside Lacuna Method for fungal nails. This allows nails to look ‘normal’ while dealing with the underlying fungal nails.

Pedisafe can be used to help disguise bunions by creating the illusion of a straighter nail or used for bracing to give relief to ingrown nails or nails that have a slightly wider nail plate that causes irritation or pain. Pedisafe can be used to make a prosthetic nail for missing or damaged nails.

Lacuna Method for Fungal Nails

Typical signs of fungal nails tend to be a yellow or brown discolouration, nails may become thick, crumbly or brittle. Nails can become distorted, misshapen and may lift from the nail bed losing their healthy shine. Sometimes, it is seen after nail varnish or gels have been removed.

Fungal nail infections are caused by fungi, yeast and dermatophytes that naturally live on our skin. When trauma occurs, i.e. trauma from footwear or stubbing your toe, the fungi can invade and thrive under the nail plate. In the moist warm environment of socks and shoes, the fungi thrive, causing damage, thickening and discolouration of the nail. This most commonly affects the big toes, but all nails are vulnerable.

Treatment is notoriously difficult as the nail plate acts as a barrier, shielding the area and creating the perfect warm and damp environment underneath for bugs to overpopulated. Lacuna Method treatment for fungal nails involves drilling micro-holes painlessly into the damaged nail. This allows an anti-fungal agent to directly reach the infected skin under the nail. As the nail is dead, the holes will remain and grow out naturally with the nail.

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